
We are Beyond the Facilities Services
ARSA Indonesia is an Integrated Facilities Services company designed in great detail by people who are very experienced in this business.
ARSA Indonesia, with its strong experience has been able to map all Integrated Facilities business services and applied it in an integrated service application called ARSAtech
ARSAtech is a mobile application that gathered all font-of-the house and back-of the house activities, so that with this solution all related parties can be connected. Yes, unlike the other Facilities Service companies’ solution, ARSAtech has a ClientSolution features.
A solution which not only can monitor the employees’ attendance, but also how we ensure the presence of our employees. ARSA Indonesia customers will also receive information on the work program and its result, monitor the employee development program, facility’s defect report and the FitUP! features where the customer can also share this application to their customers who are using their facilities
We are Beyond the Facilities Services
It is an integrated information technology system specifically designed by ARSA Indonesia.
By using a mobile phone device, all employees and customers can easily record, view, evaluate and make efforts to improve the quality of service.
ARSAtech technology contains several features needed by employees, customers, facility users, suppliers and management of ARSA Indonesia
- FitUp!
- TimeAttendance
- eWORKplan
- Classroom
- eSCM
- eVOC
- Client Solution
Is a feature where all ARSA Indonesia Customers can report the situation or functionality of the facilities in the building
Reports in the form of pictures and short videos will be received by the Supervisor in the area and if not handled within 1 hour, the information will be escalated to the Operation Manager, COO, or CEO
- Check-In And Check-Out
- Google Geotags
- Work and Leave Schedule
- Submission to Change Schedule
- Leave Application
- Reliver Management
- Overtime Submission
- Job Submission
- Salary Slip
- Reliever Tracker
- Employee Data
- Birthday Reminder Notification
- Employee Skill Matrix
- Daily Tasks Fulfilment Declaration
- Daily, Monthly & Annual Area Work Schedule
- Defect List
- FitUP! List
- Site Information, Total Manpower, Etc.
- Key Performance Indicators
- Job Completion Reports
- Daily And Monthly Reports Generator
Is a Training Management where training is devided into two: virtual training and in-class training. the features in this module are:
- Training List
- Designing a Training Class
- Find Training Modules and Syllabus
- Finding SOPs
- Create Training Invitation
- Assess Trainees
- Attendance List of Training Participants
- Electronic Certificate
A collection of checklists integrated with eWORKplan. The checklist can be tailored to the needs of each area. eFORMs include in the following areas of work:
- Electronic Checklist with Standard
- Performance checklist Approval
- Reimbursement
- Cash Advance
- New Customers Data
- Proposal
- Work Report
- Business Trip Proposal
- IPCS Treatment Report
- Stage of Approval
- Electronic Signature with PIN
- The function of eSCM is as a tool to order equipment and other supporting materials needed by an area, the features in this module are:
- List of materials and tools
- Electronic Material Requests
- Material request process (request, review, approval, pack, send, receive)
- Summary of material requests by area
- Summary of material demand by cluster
- Summary of Material Requests by region
- Summary of Material Requests by the Company
- Stock materials by area
- Machine and Equipment Location Records
- Return (Return of Material Request)
- Purchase order and Delivery order
We understand in the end the effort we make is determined by how the service is perceived by our customers. For us, the voice of the customer is the voice of “God” where the information we get from each Customer we obtain is feedback for us.
eVOC or electronic Voice of Customer is a simple Customer satisfaction survey tool that can summarize the voice of our customers every month. Our customers can also see the value of the service we provide every month. Every month, our customers can fill out a short questionnaire where each questionnaire we have given weight. With eVOC we can also further determine the quality improvement actions that we will take so that this corrective actions can be carried out on target.
ARSA Indonesia customers have been given access to enter and be directly involved in application modules such as facilities reports which consist of various solutions including Defect Report, FitUP, eWORKplan, Attendance Reports, Classroom, audit findings, and follow-up on findings. Our customers can also provide ratings for ARSA Indonesia Employees who work in their locations through the ARSA Star Performers solution.
- FitUp!
- TimeAttendance
- eWORKplan
- Classroom
- eSCM
- eVOC
- Client Solution
Is a feature where all ARSA Indonesia Customers can report the situation or functionality of the facilities in the building
Reports in the form of pictures and short videos will be received by the Supervisor in the area and if not handled within 1 hour, the information will be escalated to the Operation Manager, COO, or CEO
- Check-In And Check-Out
- Google Geotags
- Work and Leave Schedule
- Submission to Change Schedule
- Leave Application
- Reliver Management
- Overtime Submission
- Job Submission
- Salary Slip
- Reliever Tracker
- Employee Data
- Birthday Reminder Notification
- Employee Skill Matrix
- Daily Tasks Fulfilment Declaration
- Daily, Monthly & Annual Area Work Schedule
- Defect List
- FitUP! List
- Site Information, Total Manpower, Etc.
- Key Performance Indicators
- Job Completion Reports
- Daily And Monthly Reports Generator
Is a Training Management where training is devided into two: virtual training and in-class training. the features in this module are:
- Training List
- Designing a Training Class
- Find Training Modules and Syllabus
- Finding SOPs
- Create Training Invitation
- Assess Trainees
- Attendance List of Training Participants
- Electronic Certificate
A collection of checklists integrated with eWORKplan. The checklist can be tailored to the needs of each area. eFORMs include in the following areas of work:
- Electronic Checklist with Standard
- Performance checklist Approval
- Reimbursement
- Cash Advance
- New Customers Data
- Proposal
- Work Report
- Business Trip Proposal
- IPCS Treatment Report
- Stage of Approval
- Electronic Signature with PIN
- The function of eSCM is as a tool to order equipment and other supporting materials needed by an area, the features in this module are:
- List of materials and tools
- Electronic Material Requests
- Material request process (request, review, approval, pack, send, receive)
- Summary of material requests by area
- Summary of material demand by cluster
- Summary of Material Requests by region
- Summary of Material Requests by the Company
- Stock materials by area
- Machine and Equipment Location Records
- Return (Return of Material Request)
- Purchase order and Delivery order
We understand in the end the effort we make is determined by how the service is perceived by our customers. For us, the voice of the customer is the voice of “God” where the information we get from each Customer we obtain is feedback for us.
eVOC or electronic Voice of Customer is a simple Customer satisfaction survey tool that can summarize the voice of our customers every month. Our customers can also see the value of the service we provide every month. Every month, our customers can fill out a short questionnaire where each questionnaire we have given weight. With eVOC we can also further determine the quality improvement actions that we will take so that this corrective actions can be carried out on target.
ARSA Indonesia customers have been given access to enter and be directly involved in application modules such as facilities reports which consist of various solutions including Defect Report, FitUP, eWORKplan, Attendance Reports, Classroom, audit findings, and follow-up on findings. Our customers can also provide ratings for ARSA Indonesia Employees who work in their locations through the ARSA Star Performers solution.